Saturday, May 30, 2009

Today was soooo tiring
And tuition
And I played soccer too xD
I haven't even mentioned about how I SUFFERED physically the whole day =(
I won't talk about it here
Coz it's seriously sounds retarded if I did
So I'll save the embarrassment xD
Something happened yesterday during soccer!
Which I'm not going to say xD
But let's just say that Hargreaves packs a really powerful shot! xD
Something weird happened during floorball training last Wednesday, which I forgot to blog about
(Btw, first time I played floorball since 5 March 2009 xD)
I need to regain my touch before DSA trials =)
And I was daaaaaaaamn off-form =(
Scored a nice volley though xD
Mr Amir spoke about school holiday trainings
And he said that a trainings next week would be during the afternoon
And the rest of the trainings would be in the morning
I sat there a bit blur
" of the trainings?..."
It was then that I realised that the June holidays were a month long xD
I was so brainwashed about Friday not being the last day of school and having to come back during the holidays that I thought for a minute there that the June holidays were a week long! xD
Looks like intensive revision is already engulfing my brain xD

9:33 PM

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm like sooooo freaking tired right now
Today's school lessons was one of the most slackest EVER!
It was a half-day
And the MT students were having intensive MT
And the HMT students could relax a bit =)
So we spent up till recess in the RSP room slacking!
I love the air-con there xD
Watched "Pensil" (that's how the movie is spelled I think, lol)
Then we also watched this other thing which I'm not sure of coz I was already sleeping by then xD
It was damn nice!
Shoes off, lying down in air-con with a comfortable pillow!
It was the perfect combination! xD
So basically it was the best "HML" lesson ever!
And we'll be getting back our HML paper 2 tomorrow
Coz Cikgu said so xD
I wanna get my other results back!!!!!!
But I guess we'll have to wait till next week =(
And I met Mr Thiru just now
Apparently i heard that 4D and 4F got back their humanities just now
And I'm not sure if 4B got back theirs
But 4H, the other history class will get back next week =(
Mr Thiru said I passed though =)
Around 30-35 for both (is he telling the truth????? xD)
Which is a B3-B4 standard
And he said the highest in our class for History is only 34
Which is a B3, which sucks considering it's the best score in the class
Apparently to him,
We didn't write down "both sides" of the point
And he gave an example (Cikgu Shy and Mr Leo were there too)
He said that if the question asked if Mr Leo was handsome,
Then should agree
But also say Mr Thiru is more handsome =.=
I think we'll get back our Chemistry tomorrow
That's what I heard =D
I spent the whole afternoon sleeping btw
And I dragged myself to tuition just now xD
Ok ok
There's this e-mail my friend sent me full of cool pictures
Here are 3 of them

What's so cool about them?
They're drawings
FLAT drawings
I'm especially astounded by the 2nd one
Yup, the hose and the water is fake
Amazing how art works right?

9:39 PM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Time for a quick update
I got B4 for my HML paper 1,
But I'm not getting back my paper 2 till tomorrow
And I know I screwed up English,
SO my L1 is kinda screwed up
And I got E Math back
A1 =)
That's all i got back
And I'm going Hamzah's house later to watch the Champions League final!!!

8:15 PM

Monday, May 25, 2009

Good news-

Bad news-
PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS 1 has been officially flunked!!!

But I don't have school tomorrow =)

5:05 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm sooooo totally addicted to "No Boundaries"
No offence to Adam fans,
But I kinda prefer Kris's version of the song =)

Seconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment lasts forever
Then you feel you've lost your way
What if my chances were already gone
I started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
So here I am still holding on

With very step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is goin' nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand
And show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

I fall to the land there to stand on the edge
What if today was as good as it gets
I don't know where the future's headin'
But nothing's gonna bring me down
I've jumped every bridge and I've run every light
I've risked bein' safe and I always knew why
I always knew why
So here I am still holdin' on

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is goin' nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand
And show you that you can

You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule 'cause
There's nothing between you and your dreams

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe

There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

5:03 PM

Friday, May 22, 2009

I know that saying this now is a bit lag
But Kris Allen won American Idol
I didn't get to blog yesterday
I was full-blown mugging for my Biology paper
But, yeah
I knew the results,
But when I watched the results show,
And Ryan announced "Kris Allen!"
My hair on my skin stood! I SWEAR!
Even though I already knew he was the winner
Oh wells,
A true story of an underdog
And my A Math paper 1 yesterday was
I was like, totally demoralised.....
There goes my A1 in A Math =(
But on the bright side, Bio's over!!!!
I was mugging so hard for my Biology
And now it has passed =)
The paper was quite tricky though
Now I can relax!!!
Final day of exam is on Monday- A Math Paper 2
Kinda already studied for A Math Paper 1, so just revise a bit for Paper 2 =)
And I must salvage what's left for my A Math xD
Speaking of "salvage", I wanna watch Terminator Salvation!
I watched the trailer and it was freaking awesome!
And it's gonna be a "Salvation Trilogy",
So it brings it to a total of 6 Terminator movies!
And I'm really excited about the new Harry Potter movie too =)
But the undisputed one is Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen!!!
I watched the trailer and it was GREAT!
I seriously can't wait for that to come out =)
It's a good thing that we come out of this stressed exam schedule with many great movies coming out =)
I can relax a bit now =)
I'm hungry xD

4:22 PM

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This week's Idol 2009 showdown
I'm listening to Kris Allen's version of Heartless now
And I love it! =D
He's like, one of the most original singers in Idol history

I also heard Adam Lambert's version of One
And I love it too!
His voice is out of this world!

So, I kinda really don't care who wins
Adam's the red hot super chilli pepper favourite according to most people,
But I also won't mind if Kris wins
Coz both of them rock!
So I'm a neutral fan =P
But whatever happens,
David Archuleta is still the best! xD

7:20 PM

History exam starts at 10am =)
So can come school late =)
I did selective studying
And I'm gonna be totally screwed if the SEQs did not come out on Hitler or Cold War xD
But I'm quite confident at least one will appear =P

7:15 AM

Friday, May 15, 2009

The book that didn't stop me from screwing up my chem exams =(

9:31 PM

My chem is soooooo screwed today

5:36 AM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I have 2 things to say

1) I screwed up my EL paper 2 today, when they gave a freaking hard passage and summary

2) I think Malouda's hair (or "ponytail" or whatever you wanna call it) is worse than Sagna's (inside joke) erm, hair

8:54 PM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


How time flies

5:42 AM

Monday, May 11, 2009

Prelim 1 starts tomorrow
And ends on the 25th(so long! D= )
I realise that students in schools with "Mid-Year" exams tend to celebrate the end of exams more than students in schools with "Prelims"
I guess it shows how big the word "PRELIMS" can be
Oh wells
I guess when people celebrate the end of prelim 1,
They'll be saying
"YES! Prelim 1 is over!"
I'll just go and spoil the fun by saying
"YES! 1 less day towards O-Level!"
What a weird guy I am
We can't lose steam after the Prelim 1/ MYE
It's just another stepping stone towards O-Levels
I'll give an analogy
Just like in a race,
Your car drives past a checkpoint.
Do you stop?
Of course not.
You'll only stop after you cross the finishing line =)
The same applies here
Celebrating the end of Prelims feels weird
But I'm not gonna slow down just because Prelims are over when it happens.
I'm going to gather energy
And use my nitro towards the finishing line!

10:28 PM

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Prelims are finally going to start on Tuesday
Other schools have already started and some are finishing
I guess it's coz of SPA week last week
Oh wells,
I guess I must try and do my best for Prelim 1
A target of below 15 points =)
I just hope they won't kill us with the papers
I haven't been studying enough
I've been thinking a lot about my life recently
And one thing's for sure,
I want to get past the "O-Levels phase" of my life ASAP
And now, I must studyyyyyyy

9:54 PM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's in the morning
I always go online in the morning
Don't know why I do it
Maybe it's just coz I'm random
Manchester United destroyed Arsenal 3-1!
And 4-1 on aggregate!
Arsenal were lucky to score that goal,
From a penalty.
And Man Utd should have scored more
And I thought Fletcher was harshly sent off for the penalty
He got the ball!
If it was a penalty without the sending off,
I would not have minded
Coz Arsenal could not have staged a comeback.
But it's sad for Fletcher
He's a really hardworking and efficient player
It's really unfair for him to miss the finals over a foul he did not commit
Oh wells
I guess he's really sad right now
Just two words

I've got PE today!
And Chem SPA!
Must know how to draw graph! xD

5:32 AM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I got the rest of the history/SS notes from Mr Thiru
Via Gan Jia Chen (thanks a million! xD)
Printing now....
And I'm running out of ink
Oh no!
How come the Sustaining Economic Development notes don't have impacts of globalization??
I'm being random now
The notes are random too
I must sort them out
And sleep early tonight
To wake up early tommorow to watch Man Utd beat Arsenal! xD
And there's PE tommorow too! xD

9:00 PM

Monday, May 4, 2009

Printing History and SS notes right now,
For EVERY single chapter,
Coz I didn't print all last year,
When I did "selective studying" instead,
Which horribly backfired when all 3 SEQs are from the same chapter but different parts of it xD
But I don't have all the chapters though =(
I have all except.....
Fascist Japan,
And the 2 parts of Cold War on history
And the last 3 chapters of SS,
Which is Managing peace and security,
Sustaining economic development
And Venice
Dunno why he hasn't sent yet, haha
I shall personally bring my thumbdrive and get it from Mr Thiru! xD

Oh ya!
I forgot about this
Last Wednesday,
I completed my NAPFA test for 2009,
And yet another 30 pints!! =DDDD
Was damn scared for my pull-ups(finally the real men one xD) and sit and reach
But i managed to pull through and got an A for both =D
Having a CCA helps,
Not when I was in primary school,
When I had no CCA
And I was getting 20+
Now with floorball,
The 30 points start pouring in xD

Ran out of printing paper, lol
Had to open a new pack xD

8:42 PM

Saturday, May 2, 2009

It was seriously sooo unexpected
The best speaker went to RGS
And the best speaker for the whole tournament went to RGS (again)
Then when they announce the result,
We were like, jumping for joy!
Hugging each other and all
Congratulations guys,
For you worked so hard to achieve this
Luqman couldn't believe it at all, haha.
We sang the Victorian Anthem loudly with pride,
RGS did their cheers
We did the "3 cheers for RGS"
And they did the "3 cheers for VS"
Both teams did really well,
And I think the points that separated us from RGS must be reaaaally little
And after 13 years, VS are champions again =D
And ironically,
On that day,
13 years ago,
Our opponents were RGS
Cool huh?

Ok, that was the good thing
The bad thing was, I went around in an ankle guard
Coz Khai didn't take sliding lessons and clipped my leg on Friday
So my ankle was painful
And I played as goalkeeper for soccer today
Coz I couldn't run
But made nice saves though xD

I see that my blog has many anonymous visitors now
I wish that there was an invention that could identify these anonymous people, haha xD

9:54 PM