Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm like sooooo freaking tired right now
Today's school lessons was one of the most slackest EVER!
It was a half-day
And the MT students were having intensive MT
And the HMT students could relax a bit =)
So we spent up till recess in the RSP room slacking!
I love the air-con there xD
Watched "Pensil" (that's how the movie is spelled I think, lol)
Then we also watched this other thing which I'm not sure of coz I was already sleeping by then xD
It was damn nice!
Shoes off, lying down in air-con with a comfortable pillow!
It was the perfect combination! xD
So basically it was the best "HML" lesson ever!
And we'll be getting back our HML paper 2 tomorrow
Coz Cikgu said so xD
I wanna get my other results back!!!!!!
But I guess we'll have to wait till next week =(
And I met Mr Thiru just now
Apparently i heard that 4D and 4F got back their humanities just now
And I'm not sure if 4B got back theirs
But 4H, the other history class will get back next week =(
Mr Thiru said I passed though =)
Around 30-35 for both (is he telling the truth????? xD)
Which is a B3-B4 standard
And he said the highest in our class for History is only 34
Which is a B3, which sucks considering it's the best score in the class
Apparently to him,
We didn't write down "both sides" of the point
And he gave an example (Cikgu Shy and Mr Leo were there too)
He said that if the question asked if Mr Leo was handsome,
Then should agree
But also say Mr Thiru is more handsome =.=
I think we'll get back our Chemistry tomorrow
That's what I heard =D
I spent the whole afternoon sleeping btw
And I dragged myself to tuition just now xD
Ok ok
There's this e-mail my friend sent me full of cool pictures
Here are 3 of them

What's so cool about them?
They're drawings
FLAT drawings
I'm especially astounded by the 2nd one
Yup, the hose and the water is fake
Amazing how art works right?
9:39 PM